Posts Tagged ‘improve’

How Can I Improve Vox?

Posted: 2008-10-29 in General
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I've been remiss in posting here on Vox lately, mostly because work has been kicking my butt during the day and dealing with sick kids has been kicking my butt at night.  In my spare time though, I've been toying with a couple programming ideas for things I can do to help improve the Vox experience – specifically, areas where I think Vox itself is lacking in the functionality I'd want to see (such as exporting and backups).  Obviously, I can't do much to change the framework/backend of the program, but I might be able to make some changes to the UI (through Greasemonkey scripts) or to third-party interaction (through other programming languages). 

I'd like your opinion, too.  If you don't mind, click on some options in the poll below and let me know what you think I should be focusing my meager time & efforts on over the next few weeks:

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