Yod’s Weekend Photo Scavenger Hunt, Take #1

Posted: 2007-08-11 in General
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Well, I have to admit this was a lot of fun.  What was even more fun was sneaking out to take photos under my wife's nose, since she doesn't understand how I can get wrapped up in all that "blog stuff".

Anyway, I'm hoping there are many more of these contests in the weeks to come…it's definitely better than spending the time wishing the thermometer would drop below 104 degrees!

1. Take a self portrait using a mirror and a very bad camera angle. Think about your average teenager's MySpace profile picture and you're on the right track.

Let's see.
Mirror?  Check.
Bad camera angle? Check.
Camera in photo so you are positive it's a self-portrait? Check.
Slightly out of focus? Check.
Weird awkward smile that would look right at home on a MySpace page?  Double-check.

2. Show us the "Welcome To" sign for where you live.

I drive past this one almost every day.  It's always struck me as a bit of overkill in the signage department.  But I guess someone in the city council has a nephew or brother that prints street signs, or something like that.

3. Show a cellphone being used by someone/something that shouldn't be using it.

I swear I wasn't copying TheOcho's post with this one!  My daughter LOVES to pretend to talk on the phone.  She will use anything as the pretend phone, including but not limited to: a shoe, a playing card, a matchbox car, a plastic teacup, and a computer mouse.  However, she ADORES my cell phone (must be all the pretty colors and buttons).  She isn't allowed to play with it (other than for this picture) anymore since the time I caught her one button-press away from erasing all my contacts.

Strangely, she refuses to talk to anyone on a real phone.  I think the voices scare her.

4. Take a picture of a sure sign that the world is ending (don't post a pic of a sober Lindsay Lohan, I know that it's either a picture you didn't take this weekend [since Lindsay was last sober 10 years ago] or completely fake).

I was all set to take a shot of an article about the French kid who got arrested for translating Harry Potter into French – after all, what is a better indication that the world is ending than a kids' books publisher pressing charges against a kid?  Then I caught sight of these guys this morning on my neighbor's lawn.

The guy bent over?  He's been trying to start that weed-whacker for about 6 minutes.  Before that, he tried to start a different one (same model) for about 5 minutes.  Shortly after this picture, he realizes that he has to HOLD DOWN THE TRIGGER on the weed-whacker while pulling the cord to get the motor to start.  His partner in crime on the riding mower was completely oblivious to the whole incident.  Now, normally, I wouldn't think anything of this (especially if it was someone in my family trying to figure out how to run one of these things).  But remember – this guy is part of a PROFESSIONAL LAWN CARE team.  His JOB is to use the weed-whacker, probably dozens of times DAILY.  You know the world is coming to an end when the average Joe can get a job doing something he has no competence for, and nobody (or almost nobody) seems to notice.

Yod, I know you said no photoshop, but I didn't want to get sued for libel, so I put black bars over the name and number of the lawn service in this publicly-posted picture.  I still have the untouched original, though, if you need to ensure I wasn't doctoring anything.

5. Show us something over 100 years old.

The guy who used to own the land all the houses in my neighborhood sit on still owns a parcel behind my house.  I was talking to him one day a few months back and commented how much my family loves the giant sycamore tree (pictured here) in our back yard, and how we're glad the developer didn't get rid of it when building the house.  He told me that his family had owned the land since 1750, when this area was settled, and that his great-grandfather had planted a bunch of sycamores around the 1850s because he liked the look of them.  As best he can figure, this one is around 150 years old, and still going strong.

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  1. Yod says:

    haha… the photoshop rule is mainly there to discourage people from creating pictures rather than taking them (i.e., pasting in something rather than actually finding it)I need to find the welcome to sign for the town my girlfriend used to live in. Poor thing looks like one of those North Korean generals that has 100 medals on his uniform.


  2. IG says:

    thanks for my *snort* of the day!


  3. crankypants says:

    nice job, I'm finished other than #4, and recharging the battery….


  4. wow this is good! looked like fun! I love your number four. Around here I could post about 100 number fours!


  5. TheOcho says:

    Kids are so dang cute with phones.I think my son has a collection of cell phones, that he acts like he is talking to his grandma on.I know for sure he has 3 broken/not used ones from me, but I think Gma gave him some too.


  6. foxsydee says:

    haha! love number 4


  7. grrrace says:

    fun! :)my kid likes my cell phone, too. she likes to drool allllll over it. she also does the thing where she pretends everything's a phone. it's funny… i gave her an old cell phone that we don't use anymore, but she refuses to play with it. pfffft. 🙂


  8. Jody says:

    Awesome!! I love the story behind #4. I had some "professional" movers try to move me … without using a hand truck/dolly (they 'forgot it on their other truck'). Pretty convenient for people who get paid by the hour, not the job.


  9. Ross says:

    That's the worst.Actually, I've got one worse – I had a 2 man moving team move our household in our last move. They showed up at 10 AM and finished about midnight. The guy in charge was on salary and wasn't getting paid any overtime, so he had no real reason to delay, yet it still took 14+ hours. And THEN, he still had to drive the truck 9 hours down to their warehouse before he was done with the job. I was just praying that he didn't run the truck off a bridge somewhere and dump our household goods in the Atlantic Ocean…


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