Holiday Cheer to One and All

Posted: 2007-12-25 in General
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Well, we survived our first week with 2 children, and things are on the up-and-up.  Rosalie's gained back to her birth weight as of the doctor's appointment this morning, which means she's a week ahead of schedule.

Speaking of schedules, I'm still getting used to the fact that my daily schedule is now subject to the involuntary whims of an infant who's still mixed up as to when it is day and when it is night.  Which is why I'm up at a quarter to one in the morning, instead of sleeping through "Santa's" stopover at our house to bring Violet some presents.  But it's okay – I'm getting around 4-6 hours sleep each night, so at least I'm not hallucinating…yet.

Anyway, I doubt most people will be getting online on Christmas day, but I want to wish everyone who celebrates the holiday a Merry Christmas, and everyone a Happy New Year.  Seeing as it's taken me a week to get just this post up, I doubt I'll be posting very often in the near future until I can get back to having some time to myself.  But I'll still be checking in and will try to get the occasional post up here and there when I can.

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  1. snoringKatZ says:

    Happy merriness to all the Ross-lings, large and small!


  2. Ms Genevieve says:

    Merry Christmas Ross!! And All the Best to You and Your Family in the coming New Year!


  3. LeendaDLL says:

    Merry Christmas to you and yours as well!


  4. Paxton says:

    Yeah! Now you have children. I imagine that should keep you busy for a while… like the next 18 years or so. 😀


  5. Steve Betz says:

    Good to see you here Ross!! Violet makes a very cute elf!
    Here's to a great 2008 full of long bouts of sleep!


  6. [??? ?? ?????]


  7. grrrace says:

    adorable pics :)hope you had a great xmas!


  8. stevie says:

    Yay! Merry Christmas to your growing family. Cute photos.


  9. gamany says:

    ross, your little ladies are adorable. best wishes for a happy and healthy new year to everyone!


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